Day 78: Class meeting today - they gave us each $5,000 in fake money and had us bid on "values." They wouldn't let me just put mine in a high interest savings account instead of spending it...what the heck ever happened to saving?Day 79: Finally found a rug for the living room!Day 80: "I said make a silly face!" ... "Ummm, I did. I flared my nostrils."Day 81: "Don't worry about tomorrow." Matthew 6:34Day 82: Classmate made Fruity Pebble treats for us. Um, awesome! They were really good. Especially when I didn't get a lunch break, but still had "food." P.S. No lunch? What's up with that, Psychiatry?!Day 83: Hard to see here, but there was a tiny rainbow on the way to clinic.Day 84: New duvet cover! West Elm Blocked Tulip pattern.