My first experience with an ovarian dermoid tumor was in medical school. I saw a picture in our text book and was immediately repulsed – how can something that creepy be a real-life finding?! Though the tumors continue to be…
This is a clerkship I was extremely excited about, because it was a field I was seriously considering going into! In fact, up until my third year Ob/Gyn rotation I was almost positive I would be a pediatrician some day.…
First off – I’m back from blogging maternity leave – celebration dances may commence! Oh, you thought you got rid of me because I birthed two babies at one time? Oh no, friends, it won’t be nearly that easy to get…
The past week I’ve been meandering down the interview trail hoping to avoid death by dysentery along the way…ugh…wait…wrong trail. Anyhow, I really have been traveling around Central Texas the past week for residency interviews and along the way the…
Let me start off by saying I’m learning so much at this conference. Dr. Larry Chu has done a fabulous job organizing and orchestrating, a true class act of knowledge, technology, and passion. Everything about this conference has me nodding…
I recently tweeted asking about favorite patients, physicians, and students on Twitter and was met with a plethora of shocked tweets at my inclusion of patients as potential Twitter interests. Perhaps other medical friends interpreted this as being similar to…
Today I’m excited to introduce to you Anna, a 22 year old medical student from Bogor, West Java province in India. She is in her last year of clinical clerkships at Universitas Pelita Harapan medical school, a bilingual (Indonesian and…
As a first year I began working alongside a Pediatrician who would become pivotal in shaping my view of doctors and specialty choice. The way she loved her job shined through every single day (and still does as I work with her…
In the course of our work as doctors we will undoubtedly witness events that change the life of our patients, but coming into medical school I never realized how directly some of these events would also change my life. Often…