About The Author
Momma x 4.
Dog lover.
Texas A&M Aggie.
Half crazy.
All busy.
Also, I guess I am a blogger, since I’m the one hitting “publish” on all these posts. Sometimes I get delusional and believe I’m a writer who is also a doctor, but the truth is I was once a procrastinating medical student (circa 2010) and decided to start writing.
I love traveling, DIY projects and refinishing furniture, yoga, cooking, reading, movies, Texas Aggie football, Chicago Cubs baseball, golf, and gymnastics. That is quite the laundry list of interests for someone with such limited free time and as such I get around to each of them approximately once per year.
I’m passionate about patient education and women’s health. I believe empowering patients to be confident & knowledgeable about their conditions builds physician-patient relationships and improves patient outcomes. Someday, I’d love to get involved in medical volunteering or missions and my family has some really crazy international nomad goals on our shortlist of future options.
I’m married to this guy, he’s really handsome and incredible. He’s also a bit of a nerd, so we go well together. To top that off, he happens to be a really wonderful photographer. He gracefully puts up with my manic tendencies, does the grocery shopping more often than not, makes sure our utilities don’t get turned off, and on average completes 499 of the 500 things on our weekly to-do list. He’s basically a saint. I’m pretty sure anyone who can look this good and be this smart all the while putting up with myself and our circus of a family automatically gains entry into the promised land.
Speaking of circus, while we do not have an elephant, we do have some monkeys kids. In 2012 we walked into a dark room praying for a heartbeat and found two. My mommy instincts told me they were both boys and on their birth day I learned a very important lesson: Whoever supplied my mommy instincts did not upgrade to the uterine-x-ray-vision package. More importantly, I learned that girls can wear “boy clothes” and look adorable if you just stick a (small and appropriately proportioned) bow on their head.
In 2016 we welcomed “Baby Brudder” – don’t laugh, that is not his blog name. This kid literally answers to “baby brudder.” He is adorable, squishy, and the cuddliest little boy we could have ever hoped for.
In 2018 we happily learned we will be welcoming PatPat, our second baby brudder, into the family sometime in the Fall. We couldn’t be more ecstatic.
We had three dogs until January 2017 – they were our children before we had actual tiny humans in the house. Unfortunately, Mae is our only current 4-legged friend – she’s a Red Heeler and we’ve had her since 2006 (actually, my husband had her before he had me…and he loves her more, too). Our other two pups were heart-breakingly killed after digging out of our yard while we were at Disneyland. Someday we’ll add another 4-legged critter, but for now there’s plenty of feet in this house and we can’t possibly replace the voids that losing Sage & Wrigley left in our hearts.