From a friend’s Facebook status: Times have definitely changed. I am filling out my son’s paperwork for his well check with his new pediatrician and there is a spot to put your Facebook or Twitter account down to receive non…
A psychiatrist I was working with was recently talking to some families about the importance of following through with so-called “parenting-threats” you make to a child. As I listened in I thought how difficult it must be to consistently do…
Last week my husband was watching the CNN Republican debate in our bedroom as I sorted articles of clothing from my overflowing closet into trash and donate piles. When I caught a second between “what was I drinking when I…
In the course of our work as doctors we will undoubtedly witness events that change the life of our patients, but coming into medical school I never realized how directly some of these events would also change my life. Often…
As a member of the admission’s committee at our school and as someone who recently(ish) went through the application and interview process (twice), I get asked a lot if I have any advice for those in the midst of attempting…
In Good Times & In Bad – Married In Medical School What’s it like to be married in medical school? My answer is always the same – it’s really fine, but I don’t have anything to compare it to since…
Today I am honored to be continuing our Medical Education Monday series with Medical School in the Dominican Republic. Our Mind On Med guest blogger for today is Vera, a 21 year old medical student in the Dominican. She’s starting…