I finished my Psychiatry Rotation a couple of weeks ago and figured now would be a good time to recap the Freudian experience. Psychiatry Psychiatry is a specialty that deals with diagnosing and treating mental disorders. The difference between a…
A psychiatrist I was working with was recently talking to some families about the importance of following through with so-called “parenting-threats” you make to a child. As I listened in I thought how difficult it must be to consistently do…
In the course of our work as doctors we will undoubtedly witness events that change the life of our patients, but coming into medical school I never realized how directly some of these events would also change my life. Often…
As a member of the admission’s committee at our school and as someone who recently(ish) went through the application and interview process (twice), I get asked a lot if I have any advice for those in the midst of attempting…
In Good Times & In Bad – Married In Medical School What’s it like to be married in medical school? My answer is always the same – it’s really fine, but I don’t have anything to compare it to since…
A few weeks back I tweeted something to the effect of “I’m SO excited for my Ob/Gyn rotation, but terrified I’m going to fall in love with it. I don’t want to love Ob/Gyn!” My tweet referenced the underlying fear…