If you follow me on Twitter you are likely acutely aware of the outlandish amount of time I spend giving minute-by-minute updates on the painfully interesting things happening in my life (case in point), but what you may not realize…
I had the great honor of being a guest blogger over at Healthy, Unwealthy and Becoming Wise today. Head over there and show Erin some comment love – we want to hear where you derive your inspiration to do whatever it is…
I’ve been considering moving to a new URL hosted by WordPress for a while now. My infinitely intelligent husband suggested I blog from there to begin with, but I insisted that Blogger was the way to go. As per usual,…
Thanks to all the people who answered yesterday (apparently only in their brains, not on the comment section – it’s okay you wussies, I just know you would have been wrong anyway, so there). The answer to yesterday’s question is E) Secondary Amenorrhea –…
Relatively easy question as a segue into an important blog post for tomorrow: An 18-year-old girl visits her college student health office for a required physical. She complains of irritableness and concerns about decision-making now that she has left home.…
Congrats to Scarlett who answered yesterday’s Trivia Tuesday question correctly! Virtual high five for being brave enough to answer AND for being right! CA-125: Our patient would have been diagnosed with “Papillary Serous Cystadenocarcinoma” of the ovaries, or simply –…
Very little interesting material is flowing from brain to fingers today, so I’m officially instating what will henceforth be known as Trivia Tuesday. I’m a medical student so these will probably usually be some sort of really boring USMLE style…
I need to stop watching the news. It makes me paranoid and sad, but for some reason I just flip it on constantly. Everyday another girl is raped and/or murdered, a child is neglected, a parent is missing, someone abused…
I come here with adoration for those of you out there able to write meaningful and interesting blogs. Being new at this, I’m not sure where to go from here so I guess I will introduce myself a little and…