It’s My Blog and I’ll be Boring if I Want To

I have no idea if I’ll start writing here regularly. I’d like to, I know I’d love to come back and read it years from now, but I’m horribly inconsistent. I know, I know….you’d never have guessed that from looking back at my 6 posts since I started this blog in…oh…2007. eff. I think I put too much pressure on myself to write things that are profound – judging by past entries I come up with profound writings an average of 2 times each year. Sounds like the makings of a wonderful blog.

My 2009 New Year’s Resolution was to write down what I did every day. It wasn’t a journal, just a log of my days. I only made it to July, I think I got 1/2 of our Honeymoon recorded and then I started medical school and all free-time was henceforth devoted to being a wife, doggy mom, house cleaner and cook – oh and my favorite title, Professional Medical TV Show Critic. In fact, I only kept up with that thing so well because I was writing in it while I was at work. Oh I just loved that job. Really. I did. I was very dedicated to it. Really.

You people are too dang judgmental. No wonder I never write anything.
All you people living inside this computer judging.
Maybe I’ll write down what I do every day:
October 27, 2010
October 28, 2010
October 29, 2010
Date Night. Visited neighbors. Halloween Nonsense.
October 30, 2010
Baked Muffins. Did Laundry. Watched Movie (that I rented from Red Box approximately 7 days before and forgot about. Dang you, Red Box).
October 31, 2010
Wow, that’s boring. Nobody will ever want to read that.
I don’t even want to read that.

Maybe I’ll write down some things I’d like to discuss in the future:
  • What do I want to be when I grow up
  • Medical school is for future doctors-nursing school is for future nurses
  • Childhood vaccines and how refusing them is child abuse in my eyes
  • Childhood vaccines and how I used to be on the other side of that proverbial fence
  • Embryonic stem cell research and why it should be funded
  • Pregnant girls in my class and how they are more brave than I
Good. I’ll write for 6 more days and – POOF! – my ideas will run dry and I will melt down into only a broom, dress and pointy shoes. Wait….